IMEG Announces New Principals and Associate Principals

IMEG is a unique company in that it is 100 percent employee owned – meaning all of the company’s ownership is actively involved as employees of the company, each contributing to the company’s overall success. With this in mind, we would like to congratulate our newest Principals and Associate Principals and thank all our stockholders for their commitment and investment in our firm’s growth.
Ty Monks, Bozeman, MT; Suraj Soudagar, Naperville, IL.
Associate Principal:
Molly Foley, Quad-Cities, IL; Daryl Humble, Indianapolis; John Panek, Chicago; Karl Pennings, Naperville, IL; Abby Pertzborn, Madison, WI; John Thompson, Ontario, CA; Paul VanDuyne, Jr., Madison, WI. and Aaron Zimmerman, Denver, CO.