The project was planned through the SD State Transportation Improvement Program to be reconstructed as a concrete pavement street with curbs & gutters, sidewalk, storm sewer, lighting and center turning lanes throughout the entire one-mile length of the project. IMEG also provided the design of two stormwater detention ponds and two storm sewer lift stations as part of the project.

IMEG worked with the City to acquire the necessary right-of-way and temporary construction easements for the project including land for the detention ponds. IMEG also worked with the SD DOT and BNSF Railways to obtain approval of the railroad crossing. During construction, IMEG attended weekly progress meetings with the Contractor and the City to ensure the project was on schedule and to answer any questions about the project.

The City of Aberdeen now has a fully functioning urban roadway in a busy industrial and commercial area that will serve the City well for years to come.