IMEG provided engineering design for one of the first medical offices to have been awarded WELL Silver certification. The project, a 17,400-sf, $3.8 million functional medicine suite for a confidential client, features an open concept with 16 exam rooms, suites for virtual visits, meeting rooms, a laboratory, and spaces for shared medical appointments.

IMEG’s mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and technology design and services helped the project meet WELL standards by improving air quality, water quality, occupant comfort, and lighting.

Air quality: The entire project meets ASHRAE 62.1-2013 air quality standards and contains very low or zero levels of volatile organic compounds (VOC). To accomplish this, improvements to the building’s ventilation were made to reduce/minimize indoor and outdoor sources of air pollutants. Carbon filters that absorb odors and MERV14 filters that filter large and small sized particles were utilized. Mold and other VOCs were controlled through ultraviolet lamps positioned at AHU cooling coils. Low or no-VOC interior paints, coatings, adhesives, sealants, flooring, insulation, furniture, and furnishings were also used on the project.

Water quality: Sophisticated water filtration systems significantly reduce or eliminate water contaminants while improving consistency and taste. The project also encourages sustainable water consumption through fountains and bottle refilling stations set up throughout the facility. Water pipes were sterilized after construction to eliminate any contamination that could have occurred during installation.

Occupant comfort: Mechanical equipment was evaluated and selected for low noise to help provide a distraction-free and comfortable indoor environment. Acoustic separation (such as noise-masking white noise systems) provides privacy between each room. HVAC controls, relative humidity controls, and individual thermostats are available in each room. Post-occupant surveys are routinely conducted to gauge employee satisfaction and identify any areas for improvement.

Lighting: Key features of the lighting design include daylighting from the atrium that penetrates adjacent patient care areas, with blinds in the spaces that can be controlled by occupants to prevent glare when needed; protective film-coated windows in the waiting area that allow sunlight into the space, connect to the outdoors, and support natural circadian rhythms without being overpowering or uncomfortable; color temperature-controlled task lighting and under-cabinet lighting at workstations, along with dimming controls and reflectors to provide appropriate and balanced luminance levels and support circadian health.

These and other strategies, in collaboration with the architect’s evidence-based design and the owner’s medical and scientific research, help the owner provide an environment that optimizes the patient and caregiver experience.