Designing HVAC for cold climates requires knowledge of pitfalls

By Jeff Boldt
Successful cold-climate HVAC design depends on knowing what items might cause problems or failures – and taking preventive measure to help ensure such problems are avoided.
I examine cold-climate HVAC design considerations in my latest Engineer’s Notebook column for the ASHRAE Journal. Along with fellow IMEG mechanical engineer Will Maki, I explore some common problems that are regularly encountered with coils, pipes, and chillers when working with designs in cold climates. We also propose solutions for these and other issues, including snow penetration of rooftop equipment and guidance for maintaining indoor occupant comfort.
Especially for firms such as IMEG that work in different geographic areas, it is important to make sure designers know how to identify and prevent common problems and issues experienced in different climates. This is the only way to be able to meet the indoor environmental needs of a client no matter where they are located.
Read and download a PDF of the column as us appeared in the ASHRAE Journal.
(For related reading, download my previous Engineer’s Notebook column on “Designing HVAC for humid vs. arid climates.”)