Top 10 IMEG podcast quotes of 2023

IMEG produced 21 new episodes in 2023 for the firm’s podcast, The Future Built Smarter. While all episodes provided thoughtful insight into a variety of topics, here are several of our favorite quotes from our guests, along with with a link to their episode.
1. “The knee-jerk reaction is, I don’t want to lose my job. I don’t want the robots to take my job. But as people start using it they realize there is skill that’s involved and it is actually really useful.” — Michael Kilkelly, a registered architect and member of IMEG’s internal Technical Operations team, on AI in the fields of architecture and engineering
2. “What would it mean if you flipped the script on a neighborhood that we sort of just forgot about and made it be the centerpiece of climate action? And then this project came about.” — Missy Stults, Sustainability and Innovations Director for the City of Ann Arbor, MI, on the city’s planned geothermal heating and cooling system for the Bryant Neighboorhood
3. “We’ve been a very reactive culture in the United States with school security and safety. We can’t do that anymore—that’s become very apparent. Schools are reaching out saying, ‘Come show us what we need to do to keep these kids safe.’ “ — Ryan Searles, IMEG’s security consulting group leader, on how to keep K-12 students safe
4. “We are touting that we basically will have a carbon-neutral proton therapy center in Madison, Wisconsin.” — Steve Mumm, senior project manager for University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics, on UW Health’s Eastpark Medical Center
5. “What vexes a lot of teams is they haven’t set themselves up for success by providing the forum for discussion, discernment, decision, and then action.” — Thom Kurmel, President of TDK Consulting, on what happens when complex project teams don’t have clear accountability, proper alignment, and identification of roles and responsibilities
6. “There’s always an interesting story behind every building. I had a ride I called ‘Cliff’s Decaying Infrastructure Ride.’ “ — IMEG structural engineer Cliff Schwinger, on bike tours he used to lead around Philadelphia
7. “Just seeing how those improvements benefit people and how thankful they are, that’s motivation enough for me.” — IMEG Water and Wastewater Market Leader Jack Kusek, on the reward he receives when he’s able to help a community with one of the fundamental needs of life
8. “I think each individual owner needs to brainstorm about what kinds of benefits they are not getting that they probably should be getting.” — Brendon Buckley, IMEG Protect Executive for Building Intelligence and Integration, on the importance of deciding how to leverage building data
9. “I actually came out to the Midwest to become a chiropractor.” — IMEG President and CEO Paul Vanduyne, looking back on the career pivot that led to 47 years (and counting) in the engineering industry