Vulnerability assessment early in design leads to increased, cost-effective security

By Ryan Searles
Vulnerability assessments evaluate a facility’s needs and identify gaps in physical security barriers, policies, and procedures. Too often, however, the assessment is performed after a building has already been designed and the owner has missed the opportunity to save time and money.
Consulting with a security specialist at the beginning of the design process can lead to these four benefits:
- Increased building security: A consultant can review design plans, perform vulnerability assessments, crime analyses, and locate where 3M ballistic film should be used on windows and glass partitions.
- Cost savings: Security systems that require extensive wiring, like external cameras and mass notification systems, are significantly cheaper to install during construction than after a project is completed.
- Aesthetics integration: Consulting with the architect means security components – such as wiring, 3M security film, and bollards – can be seamlessly integrated within the design.
- Custom support: A consultant who has been involved from the very beginning can provide employees with customized training and support.
For a more in-depth look at these benefits, read my article, “Four reasons to integrate security early in design,” recently published by Security Magazine.