ENR Mountain States names IMEG project a 2019 top start

An IMEG project in Utah has been named one of the top project starts of 2019 by ENR Mountain States. The Kathryn F. Kirk Center for Comprehensive Cancer Care and Women’s Cancers in Salt Lake City is among the largest new projects that got underway last year in the magazine’s seven-state region of Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and the Dakotas.
The $77 million, 220,000-sf cancer center is an expansion of the Huntsman Cancer Institute. It will provide new, state-of-the-art cancer care space, including an entire floor dedicated to women’s cancers, 48 new inpatient rooms, new blood and marrow cancer treatment space, oncology faculty workspace, expanded wellness and survivorship space, and more.
IMEG is providing energy modeling, energy management, and commissioning services for the new center.
ENR Mountain State’s final list of the 2019 top starts, ranked by dollar volume of construction cost, will appear in the April issue of the magazine and on its website.