Housing Market Leader: Housing supports a thriving community

IMEG Vice President of Housing Scott Campagna talks about the challenges facing the Housing sector and other related topics in this Q&A.
Q: What drives your passion for working in the housing sector?
A: For me, my home is a place that I associate with family, friends, and experiences. Throughout the different stages of my life, I was fortunate to always have a place to call home and that foundation allowed me to grow personally and professionally. I want to do my part to help others have a place they can call home to support all their own individual growth and success. If we can provide homes for everyone, we can help support a thriving community.
Q: What types of housing does IMEG design?
A: Our housing sectors include student housing, multi-family, neighborhoods, and senior living.
Q: What are the biggest challenges facing this sector today?
A: Short term challenges are managing higher interest rates, available sites to develop, and construction costs. However, the biggest issue is affordable housing in all housing sectors. The affordability of housing impacts many different sectors in our communities and limits our neighbors’ ability to have a place to call home.
Q: What is IMEG’s approach to ensuring design meets the goals of developers?
A: Our goal is to be involved early to understand the expectations of our client. We then focus on providing solutions that meet the clients’ needs.
Q: What distinguishes IMEG in its ability to meet the needs of our clients?
A: There are several areas where we provide value:
- By being able to provide all engineering services, we can provide a well-coordinated set of plans that meet client expectations and achieve their financial goals for the project.
- Our national expertise with local presence allows us to provide designs that meet industry standards and incorporate the local requirements.
- Great customer service; by being responsive and offering solutions we can best support our clients’ needs.
Q: What is the key to a solid consultant-client relationship?
A: Integrity and trust. Any strong relationship is based on the foundation that you can trust someone and know they are stand-up individuals.
Q: Describe your most impactful project.
A: The project that really stands out with me is Renaissance West, an affordable housing redevelopment on the west side of Charlotte. It created hundreds of living units that really transformed that area, providing a neighborhood for people in need or who couldn’t afford a house otherwise. Then a child development center and a K-8 school, and other supporting services grew up around it to provide hope and opportunity for the parents and children in that community.