Three IMEG projects in Colorado win ENR Regional Best Project Awards

Three IMEG projects in Colorado have received 2022 Best Project Awards from ENR Mountain States, and a fourth has received an Award of Merit.
Lone Rock Retreat (pictured) in Bailey won Best Project in the Residential/Hospitality category. IMEG provided structural engineering for the non-profit, seven-acre retreat for teachers nestled into the hillside of a mountainous area. Read more.
Lincoln Crossing Lobby Renovations, Denver, won Best Project in the Interior/Tenant Improvement category. IMEG provided MEP design for this project, which transformed a 27,000-sf lobby into a modern, open-plan space. Read more.
Block 162, Denver, won Best Project in the Office/Retail/Mixed-Use Development category. IMEG provided structural design for the project, a 452-foot-tall, 30-story office building that is seeking LEED Gold certification. Read more.
The LEED Gold and WELL Silver Aspen City Hall received a Best Project Award of Merit for government/public buildings. IMEG provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, and energy modeling engineering design services for the 37,000-sf city hall, which houses city services, public meeting spaces, and city council chambers. Read more.