IMEG-designed jail intake center to provide mental health and substance abuse services

A new, three-story intake center at Macomb County’s Mount Clemens jail will provide services for arrested people with mental health and substance abuse issues. IMEG is providing mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection engineering services for the facility, which will replace the 1950s-era complex. An existing 12-story tower will remain and be renovated as part of the project.
The new center will provide space for intake and booking, as well as medical examinations, and will include blocks dedicated to detoxification, mental health issues, and the general population. Of the 210 beds in the facility, 162 will be designated for medical and mental health inmates. The project is expected to start in late 2024 or 2025 with completion scheduled for 2028.
IMEG is also providing structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection design for infrastructure improvements at the jail as part of the Macomb County Jail Capital Improvement Plan.
Rendering courtesy of Macomb County.