IMEG-designed project cited in TIME Magazine’s ‘World’s Greatest Places’

IMEG provided MEP, AV, technology, and architectural lighting design for the Bottleworks District — a $300 million, 1,500,000-sf entertainment complex recently cited by Time magazine in its inclusion of Indianapolis as one of “The World’s Greatest Places of 2021.”
Decorated in the distinctive Art Deco style, the Bottleworks District is Hendricks Commercial Properties’ creative reimagining of what was once the largest Coca-Cola bottling plant in the world into a lively cultural hub filled with restaurants, movie theaters, and 140-room hotel. IMEG worked closely with the owner and Ratio Architects in providing engineering services that significantly contributed to the project’s overall success.
IMEG’s design included integrating innovative technology and creative solutions to revitalize the district while also protecting its historic elements. MEP design and specialty services were provided for the district and select venues, including the Living Room Theaters and The Bottleworks Hotel.
Audiovisual and acoustics design for the state-of-the-art theater venue included various audio and sound reinforcement systems incorporated into the building design to offer a relaxing and welcoming entertainment environment for guests. Architectural lighting design was also provided by IMEG for the Living Room Theaters and included various innovative lighting strategies that supported the established architectural theme to create a unique and comfortable experience.