Iowa State University opens largest food animal diagnostic lab in North America

IMEG provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, fire protection, security, and technology engineering design services and energy modeling for Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (VDL), which opened in March 2024.
The new lab is the largest food animal diagnostic lab in North America. It offers critical biosafety and biocontainment features and houses infrastructure for sample receiving and processing, pathology, bacteriology, necropsy, histopathology, an incinerator, and specialized flexible laboratory spaces adaptable to user needs.
IMEG developed bridging documents for the project, including full floor plans, systems diagrams, concepts determined, and full project specifications that provided detailed guidelines, material requirements, energy analysis, and preliminary equipment selections and layouts.
IMEG was involved from site planning to interior space design. IMEG met with user groups from each lab within the 10 departments to understand their needs and design accordingly. We also studied how power and telecommunications come to the site and located the building to avoid power and telecom lines. We also coordinated with the FAA and the nearby airport to ensure the incinerator did not affect small aircrafts.
Key systems and capacities include a dedicated state-of-the-art heating and cooling plant, incinerator, site development, energy analysis, space planning for future additions, vibration analysis, and audio/video systems for teaching purposes. Projected energy and water savings were primary to the project. The 96,000-sf facility earned LEED Silver certification.
IMEG also reviewed the completed design documents and shop drawings, and performed job site observations to ensure the original design intent was followed.