IMEG engineer Parth Gudhka heads to Turkey to study buildings affected by earthquakes

An IMEG structural engineer is in Turkey to study the impact of earthquakes on buildings.
Parth Gudhka, a project engineer in IMEG’s Los Angeles office, is part of an Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) team studying buildings in southern Turkey damaged by earthquakes with peak velocity between 70 and 100 cm/sec.
According to EERI, the team will study:
- Overall performance of different conventional systems
- Correlation of structural damage with ground motion intensity
- Evidence of foundation damage and probable cause including liquefaction
- Scope and nature of damage to lateral force-resisting systems
- Consequences of building drift, residual drift and P-delta effects
- Critical elements affecting the performance of the structures (e.g., columns, shear walls, slab systems, beam-column joints, etc.)
The EERI’s goal is to improve design and construction practices worldwide. The results of the group’s studies will likely result in recommendations to change building codes, seismic design guidelines, and design, construction, and inspection practices.
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