IMEG helps create latest carbon reduction challenge, MEP 2040

IMEG Corp. is a founding member of the Carbon Leadership Forum’s newly launched MEP 2040 Challenge, which calls on all systems engineers to “advocate for and achieve net zero carbon in their projects: operational carbon by 2030 and embodied carbon by 2040.”
MEP 2040 is similar to other carbon reduction initiatives IMEG has joined, such as the Architecture 2030 Challenge, SE 2050 Challenge, and the National Academy of Medicine’s Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the U.S. Health Sector (Climate Collaborative), but focuses on building systems and equipment with a whole life carbon net zero date by 2040.
Adam McMillen, IMEG Director of Sustainability and member of the MEP 2040 steering committee, urges fellow MEP firms, owners, contractors, and manufacturers to join the effort. “We as an industry have figured out to reduce operational carbon emissions and reach net zero on projects; now we set our sights on embodied carbon in the equipment and refrigerants that go in the buildings,” he says. “The MEP 2040 Challenge targets both these strategies and pushes us to make firm commitments to reach net zero.”
Firms can sign on as signatories or supporters; multiple architecture firms, MEP firms, national AIA, and Architecture 2030 already have joined the challenge.
Learn more.