IMEG leaders examine ‘Equity by Design’ in executive guide

IMEG President and CEO Paul VanDuyne, Director of Sustainability Adam McMillen, and Director of Innovation Mike Lawless examine the built environment’s ability to have positive effects on social inequality in the new executive guide, “Equity by Design: Overcoming Bias and Capitalizing on Data to Reach Broader Outcomes.”
In addition to discussing steps for overcoming bias in AEC firms, the authors also take a look at the evolution of the mission of design from simply making buildings “work” to considering the impact a building can have on visitors and those who may never step foot inside of it.
“Those of us in the design and construction industry have an opportunity to enact positive changes within our firms along with the buildings and infrastructure we design and build,” said VanDuyne. “By doing so, we can help ensure more just and equitable communities for all.”
Visit IMEG’s resources section to download the guide.