IMEG structural engineers to present sessions at NASCC: The Steel Conference

Two IMEG structural engineers will present sessions at NASCC: The Steel Conference in San Antonio, Texas, March 20-22.
The conference offers education and networking for people who design and build steel buildings and bridges.

Kirk Harman
Kirk Harman, SE, PE, Client Executive of IMEG’s structural engineering team in Las Vegas, will speak on “Your Code of Standard Practice — Changes for the Design Community.” Harman will discuss recent updates to the Code of Standard Practice, or COSP, which provides a framework for a common understanding of acceptable standards when contracting for structural steel. The session begins at 1:45 p.m. March 20.

Cliff Schwinger
IMEG structural engineer Cliff Schwinger, PE, will lead three workshops:
“Connection Design Responsibility – Whose Is It?” will present the details of AISC Code of Standard Practice’s three options for dealing with connections on projects: the Engineer of Record may fully design and document the connections, elect an experienced detailer to select and complete them, or delegate them to a licensed engineer working for the fabricator. The session begins at 11:30 a.m. March 20.
“50 Tips for Improving the Constructability of Steel-Framed Building Structures” will present practical and easy-to-implement tips designers can use to improve the constructability and reduce the cost of steel-framed building structures. Illustrations and examples will be used to show how relatively small modifications to connection details and framing configurations can significantly improve constructability and reduce costs. The talk begins at 4:45 p.m. March 20.
“Tips for Validating the Results of Structural Engineering Software” will discuss ways engineers can manually confirm analysis and design generated by computer analysis. The talk will include discussion about the limitations of computer analysis and common problems associated with such analysis. The session begins at 8 a.m. March 22.
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