IMEG VP Robin Greenleaf attends international forum for consulting engineers

IMEG’s Robin Greenleaf, PE, LEED AP, FACEC, took part in the International Federation of Consulting Engineers’ first Global Leadership Forum Summit in Geneva, Switzerland, in April.
The event brought together 50 of the world’s top leaders in infrastructure to discuss issues and opportunities facing the industry and the planet, like climate challenge, cybersecurity, innovation, and achieving net zero. A report on their work will be published this year.
“It was great to see that there are many engineering companies from around the globe who have recognized that we have a shared role in working to create sustainable and resilient solutions to tough problems,” Robin says of her experience attending the forum. “The solutions are different due to climate, government, funding, and many other issues, but the commitment to make a difference was clear.”
Robin is IMEG’s Vice President of Architectural Relations and Strategic Partnerships and a managing principal. She also serves on the Global Leadership Forum’s Advisory Board.
Learn more about Robin in this Q&A and podcast.