IMEG VP to join panel at M&A symposium on COVID-19 fallout

IMEG Vice President Dan Huntington will be a panelist for Morrissey Goodale’s upcoming U.S. A/E M&A Symposium: Deal-making in Turbulent Times, a virtual conference to be held via Livestream June 11.
The event will allow buyers, sellers, and investors to learn how industry deal-making has changed nationally as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and what lies ahead for the balance of the year and beyond. Individual sessions will cover M&A Trends, Deal Pricing, Deal Structuring, Deal Closing, Buyers Perspective and Outlook, and Integration. In addition, a Q&A with M&A experts and panelists will provide an opportunity to ask questions and get more details on topics covered earlier in the day.
Huntington, SE, PE, CE, LEED AP, leads IMEG’s M&A Synergy Team, focusing on onboarding and firm integration. He has been with IMEG for more than 20 years and has vast experience in project management, solving design challenges, and managing large teams of engineers in multiple disciplines.