Jupiter Medical Center opens technologically advanced surgical institute

The Johnny and Terry Gray Surgical Institute at Jupiter Medical Center in Florida opened in November 2023.
The $100 million facility houses 16 “smart” operating rooms and two hybrid operating rooms.
IMEG provided healthcare information technology (HIT) oversight and program management as a subconsultant to The Burwood Group.
The new operating rooms use technology to make patient information and images immediately available to the surgeon. The surgeon can send images from the operating room to specialists for consultations in real time.
They also feature 3D image-guided surgery, which helps the surgeon visualize, track, and predict events. With live video feed capabilities, the surgical rooms support two-way teaching and technology-aided, experiential learning.
Hybrid operating rooms offer advanced image-guided surgery and open procedures.
Patient-focused technology in the waiting room offers the patient’s loved ones immediate information on the patient’s status, while protecting patient privacy.
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