Meet Mark Bradley, AV technology expert and IMEG project executive

IMEG Corp. recently hired Mark Bradley as a project executive for the firm’s technology team. Mark brings over 27 years of expertise in the AV industry, with his previous project portfolio ranging from presentation collaboration systems design to implementing live multimedia shows in a variety of markets.
Mark recently offered some insights into the field and his goals for his new role during a recent Q&A meet-up.
Describe your responsibilities in your new role with IMEG.
I joined IMEG as a project executive with a focus on audiovisual (AV) technology in the spring of 2021. My job is to help broaden the firm’s expertise in this field as well as lead our pursuit of projects through thought leadership with the technology team. My goal is to highlight the importance of technology engineering and consulting in good building design. Ultimately, I am here to help clients realize their visions.
How will your previous work in the industry serve you in your new role with IMEG and its clients?
It’s been fascinating to watch the AV industry evolve over the last 25 years. Along with system design strategy, AV technology has developed into a very critical aspect of the design and the overall user experience. I draw on my participation in these different disciplines to provide and develop innovative consulting strategies to guide and help clients through their current and future facility technology needs.
What are some of the biggest technological advances or disruptors to come?
Digital technology has completely revolutionized the industry. Large format images have become more accessible because of lower costs of display technology, making an otherwise expensive and tedious process easier. While hardware costs might be lower, software costs, big data influence, and cyber security are all creating challenges for consultants during a critical time in an industry-wide transition.
What do you do in your free time?
I love spending time with my family and friends, traveling, playing and writing music, and snow skiing. I love being in the mountains — which is a bit tough being a resident of Illinois for most of my life. I guess that it’s a good thing that I live close to one of the world’s largest airports so I can still travel and explore new places.
Contact Mark at