Q&A with Jack Kusek, Water/Wastewater Market Leader

IMEG recently named Jack Kusek as the firm’s Water/Wastewater Market Leader. Jack has more than 40 years of experience in the municipal market and recently answered the following questions about his new role.
Q. Is there a moment in your career that particularly stands out?
A. Probably the most memorable moment was on my first visit to the Frenchman’s Reef project after hurricanes devastated the U.S. Virgin Islands in 2017. We were there to determine the scope of civil work needed on a project that I never imagined that I would be a part of. Our taxi driver told us that he had worked at the resort for 40 years, how much he enjoyed what he did, and how one series of storms put him out of a job. This brief conversation revealed that our involvement in these projects can positively impact the lives of those who depend on these facilities.
Q. What motivates you?
A. Improving our quality of life, making better and cleaner water, and treating waste for a better environment.
Q. What are the biggest challenges facing the water/wastewater sector?
A. Many municipal water and wastewater facilities, particularly in small- to mid-sized communities, were built over 30 years ago and are in poor or failing condition. Getting funding for improvements or to provide new facilities that are affordable will be a challenge. Perhaps even more of a challenge will be getting qualified, licensed staff to operate the facilities as that sector appears to be shrinking.
Q. How can IMEG help clients respond to or prepare for these challenges?
A. Our experience and reputation with funding agencies can help communities in need of project funding. We also can improve designs to incorporate facilities and processes that are more user-friendly and that can operate with less operator input.
Q. Beyond design expertise, what added value does IMEG bring to your clients as a consultant?
A. Our large group of professionals have valuable experience in many different areas and are sensitive to client needs, budgets, and timelines. As a multidisciplinary firm with more than 50 locations, we also can provide clients with local service along with the resources and expertise of a national firm.
Have a question for Jack? Email him at John.A.Kusek@imegcorp.com.