Relativity Space launches 3D-printed Terran 1

Relativity Space has launched its 3D printed rocket, Terran 1.
The two-stage rocket lifted off from a launchpad at Cape Canaveral, FL, on March 22. It failed about four minutes into the flight, shortly after the rocket’s first stage dropped away.
There was a problem with the rocket’s second stage, which would have carried its payload to orbit, according to the company’s launch director, Clay Walker.
Terran 1 is a two-stage expendable rocket that was not carrying people or a customer payload. It stands 110-feet tall and is 7.5-feet wide. It was 85% 3D printed and is the largest 3D-printed object to try orbital flight.
IMEG provided structural engineering design consulting for the black strongback used to transport the Terran 1 from the hangar to the launch pad, upright the vehicle and support it through the launch.