Eight IMEG projects honored in ENR Regional Best Project competitions

Eight IMEG Corp. projects have been honored in the ENR Regional 2021 Best Projects competitions across the U.S. Three of the projects received the top award in their categories and will move on to compete at the national level:
- Iowa State University’s new Student Innovation Center in Ames, winner of ENR Midwest Best Project Award in the higher education/research category (pictured at left). Read more.
- The new Nancy and Rich Kinder Building at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, winner of ENR Texas & Louisiana Best Project in the cultural/worship category. Read more.
- The Cherokee Elementary School Rebuild and Remodel in Paradise Valley, AZ, winner of ENR Southwest Best Project in the K-12 education category. Read more.
Five other IMEG projects have received ENR Best Project Awards of Merit:
- The SSM Health St. Louis University Hospital Campus Renewal won an ENR Midwest 2021 Best Projects Award of Merit in the healthcare category. Read more.
- The Yorba Linda Public Library and Cultural Arts Center won an ENR California 2021 Best Projects Award of Merit in the cultural/worship category. Read more.
- The Meow Wolf Omega Mart in Las Vegas won an ENR Southwest 2021 Regional Best Project Award of Merit in the specialty construction category. Read more.
- The Southeast Career & Technical Academy, Phase II, Las Vegas, won an ENR Southwest 2021 Regional Best Project Award of Merit in the K-12 education category. Read more.
- The Denver Center for the Performing Arts Helen Bonfils Theatre Renovation won an ENR Mountain States Best Project Award of Merit in the cultural/worship category. Read more.
Additionally, IMEG was honored Oct. 14 as the ENR Mountain States Firm of the Year. Read more.