500,000-sf Data Center Campus

IMEG provided civil and survey engineering design services, along with landscape architecture, to develop a 104-acre site in Leesburg, Virgina into a 500,000-sf data center campus with 75 megawatt of critical IT capacity.
IMEG supported the project from the initial planning stages, including rezoning support, site evaluation, preparation of permits and plats, cost estimating, and preparation of preliminary and construction plans. Full site surveying services, as well as construction administration services, were also provided. The site had to be designed to avoid environmental constraints including FEMA floodplain, river and stream buffers, shallow rocks, and wetlands.
Landscape architecture efforts included preparation of landscape planting plans for this project. Challenges included various onsite environmental protection zones due to the adjacent Goose Creek, and screening the data center from the nearby road to preserve its scenic views.