Arrillaga Science Center (ASC)

The Arrillaga Science Center (ASC) is a new lab/office building that will house modern laboratory space to accommodate simulation, theory and modeling, synthetic and charac- terization capabilities, and collaboration space for both internal and external scientists. The project funding is a split between a donor/developer, Stanford University, and the Department of Energy (DoE). The donor/ developer is funding, designing and constructing a cold dark shell based on an initial building concept. The concept design then focuses on the interior build-out of the shell. The building contains wet labs, dry labs, characterization labs, and approximately 1,500-SF of cleanroom space.
The project design is subject to DoE’s High Performance Sustainable Building initiatives, including exceeding ASHRAE 90.1 energy code by 30% for non-process energy consumption. IMEG’s energy modeling services indicate the project is currently showing 35% savings when process loads are removed. The project is also considering LEED Gold Certification. From an energy cost standpoint, the proposed design is demonstrating approximately 15% savings including process loads.
The mechanical design for the building includes new air handling units with fan array, high efficiency condensing boilers for heating, and high efficiency water cooled chillers for cooling. Laboratory portions of the building are controlled with Variable Air Volume and reheat, while non-laboratory portions of the building receive ventilation air only from the air systems and use local chilled beams for temperature control. Office areas will also have the ability to utilize air-side economizer for cooling when outside air conditions allow. Air-side energy recovery and a heat recovery chiller were evaluated, but disregarded due to limited energy savings shown in the energy model. Laboratory specific systems include compressed air, nitrogen (gas), process cooling, and centralized recirculated pure water.
The electrical design for the building includes a connection to the campus medium voltage electrical source. The medium voltage switchgear supplies two transformers, each is sized for full load of the building and expansion capacity. The transformers supply a main-tie-main 480V switchgear lineup for building distribution. One bus of the switchgear is dedicated for laboratory loads and the other for general building loads to optimize power quality. An onsite generator will power laboratory exhaust and make-up air, security and technology systems, and critical laboratory loads in the unlikely event of a loss of normal power.
Sustainable MEP design features include energy recovery, decoupled ventilation and heating/cooling in non-laboratory areas of the building, high efficiency boilers and chillers, fan array, low flow plumbing fixtures, LED lighting, daylight harvesting controls, lighting demand response controls, continuous dimming and vacancy sensors.