Band Room Renovation

IMEG provided acoustics, technology, and audio/visual design and services for a 25,000-sf band room renovation at Northview High School in Brazil, Ind. The school’s band director often had difficulties hearing the nuances of the music due to the poor acoustics in the space prior to the renovation. Once completed, the director and students noticed an immense difference in what they could hear.
IMEG’s acoustic designers were faced with unique challenges, including a limited budget and the room’s traditional, boxy shape, which impeded room boundary expansion. IMEG worked with the architect to integrate the acoustics with the design and balance the four dimensions of a room (i.e., length, width, height that produces cubic volume, and time) to exceed ANSI 12.60 guidelines for classrooms. The design then included a small amount of absorption for control.
Another challenge was the limited ability for a shaped ceiling profile, so ceiling surfaces were selected with more diffusion using deeper profiles. The distinct layout for early diffusion and shaped surfaces supports room balance and clarity, and even lowers stress and loudness.