The project: Working alongside the City of New Britain’s Department of Public Works, IMEG was tasked with developing a comprehensive bike routes master plan for the city.

The goal: To create a detailed Bicycle Connectivity Master Plan aimed at improving the city’s cycling infrastructure and fostering bicycle-friendly initiatives throughout New Britain.

Project amenities: The plan proposed a multi-phase network that leverages existing infrastructure to create a seamless bicycle network without the immediate need for significant new construction. The emphasis was placed on integrating bicycle facilities into the city’s existing roadways and public spaces.

Design approach: The final plan incorporated substantial public input. Phase 1 was focused on facilitating bicycle access to the city’s new CTfastrak busway stations. The design strategy included the establishment of a bicycle boulevard, sharrows, bike lanes, striping, and signage along various streets throughout New Britain. These selected streets were carefully chosen to form a connected network that enables safe and convenient cycling across the city.

Project outcome: The Bicycle Connectivity Master Plan’s implementation resulted in several positive developments, including the enhancement of the city’s bicycle infrastructure, a cultural shift towards cycling as a transportation option, and improved regional connectivity between New Britain and surrounding communities.