BSSB Environmental Services

Xcel Energy selected IMEG to perform environmental monitoring services for the Big Stone to Brookings County Transmission Line (BSSB) project in South Dakota. BSSB is part of the CAPX2020 joint initiative of regional utilities to expand the electrical transmission grid. BSSB is a 72-mile, 345kV transmission line that starts south of the Big Stone Power Plant and ends at the Brookings County Substation.
IMEG prepared four Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP). Three of the plans are for 20- to 40-acre material laydown yards. The transmission line SWPPP is a non-standard dynamic plan that utilizes a menu of standard best management practices that will be implemented at 371 structure locations in three counties. Once the SWPPP is agreed upon by the construction supervisor and monitor, the plans are finalized in the field using Arc GIS Collector. This information is disseminated to all levels of management and crews electronically. The environmental monitor is also responsible for reporting any deficiencies in the BMPs up the chain of command.