Campus Integration Site Design

IMEG was selected to provide the site design and access drive improvements for the new seven-story bed tower facility at Genesis Medical Center East Campus, one of the largest building projects in Davenport’s history.
College Avenue, acting as the main campus access drive, needed to be relocated and reconfigured with on-site parking to provide the new access corridor to the bed tower.
The site had a blend of private and city utilities and private and city streets, making the city approval process challenging. IMEG guided the conversion of private to city (and vice versa).
Following review of the operation and location of existing utilities, changes and relocations were coordinated with utility owners and the client to prevent disruption to the medical facility. Site access was also regularly reviewed during construction and any changes were communicated to patients and staff to avoid any way-finding confusion.
Storm water analysis of the existing campus was completed for both the short- and long-term potential growth with a regional basin and main trunk line storm sewer system. IMEG also assisted in the acquisition of nearby properties, taking a future-oriented mindset to plan for long-term significant growth.