Capitol Complex Development

IMEG provided Threat and Vulnerability Assessment, Programming and Schematic Design Services for the Texas Capitol Complex Phase 1 project as a sub consultant to the project Master Architect, Page. The project is the implementation of the Phase 1 improvements as recommended in the adopted 2016 Capitol Complex Master Plan and includes the following Elements:
The “Texas Mall” – Comprising three blocks of Congress Avenue north of the Capitol, between 16th street and MLK Jr. Blvd., which will be vacated to create a landscaped, tree-lined, pedestrian-oriented civic event space that will also serve as a “cultural gateway” on the North axis of the State Capitol. The assessment included the development of a vehicle control plan recommending the type and location of both fixed and operable barrier systems to protect pedestrians from vehicle incursion.
State Office Buildings – Two new state office buildings fronting the Texas Mall and comprising roughly 1,000,000-sf of office space will support the goal of transitioning state agencies from leased office space into state-owned properties. Underground Parking Garage – A large, contiguous, five-floor below-grade consolidated parking facility will be provided beneath both office buildings and the extent of the three blocks of the Texas Mall.
Central Utility Plant (CUP) and Utility Tunnel – The CUP and tunnel will provide district chilled water cooling that will serve the new buildings in Phase 1, establish infrastructure for future construction phases, and transition existing buildings off older equipment onto the district cooling.