Design-Build RFP for Multiple Maintenance and Repair Projects

IMEG helped to complete facility condition assessments (FCA), facilitated virtual planning charrettes, developed charrette reports, produced DD1391 documents, and developed Design-Build RFPs for four projects as part of the reconstruction of Tyndall Air Force Base after Hurricane Michael. Each standalone RFP was designed to be awarded separately, even though they were developed under a single task order. Four multi-discipline teams completed the work concurrently to meet the fast-track 100-day schedule. The facilities included:
- B290 Aircraft Hangar (Renovation/Repair, 55,800-sf, $22.9 million)
- B503 Tyndall Enterprise Live Mission Operations Center (Renovation/Repair, 9,200-sf, $5.5 million)
- B9310 Drone Hangar (Renovation/Repair, 25,200-sf, 9.9 million)
- DeJarnette Gate Entry Control Facility (New MILCON Construction, $10.8 million)
Facility Condition Assessments were conducted for the three renovation projects to develop an understanding of the RFP scope for upgrades, reconstruction efforts, and equipment replacements. The goal was to return the facilities to full functionality and extend each building’s service life.
Due to COVID-19, virtual charrettes were conducted for each of the four projects. Representatives from USACE, Tyndall CE, and the facility users participated electronically via telephone and shared computer screens. The charrettes were among the first conducted for USACE Mobile in this manner, and feedback indicated that they were as effective as in-person meetings The charrette reports included design narratives, concepts, cost estimates, and other supporting information. These designs were further developed for inclusion in the Design-Build RFPs. Full FY20 DD1391s were developed for each facility.