Emergency Department Addition

IMEG provided mechanical, electrical, and technology engineering and design services for the Cleveland Clinic Brunswick Family Health Center’s Emergency Department two-story addition, including associated site improvements. The first-story addition is 22,500-sf and the second story of the addition is 17,000-sf of shell space. The project, which targeted LEED Silver certification, pairs environmentally sensitive, sustainable development with the needs of a world-class medical institution.
The two-story 39,500-sf addition was seamlessly connected to the Cleveland Clinic Brunswick Family Health Center with minimal disruption of operations in the occupied building. New utility services were designed to back-fed the original building, and serve the new addition. The 22,500-sf first story includes a new twelve-bed emergency department, four-bed “split flow” non-emergent care, processing lab, and imaging department. The 17,000-sf second story was constructed as shell space with planning for exam rooms and offices. The third-story includes elevator access to a roof-top helipad.
The addition connects with the existing construction at their corners to minimize disruption of operations in the occupied building during construction. Within the facility, a disciplined approach was taken to account for and accommodate all of the fixtures and equipment that are crucial in a medical facility.
The new emergency department includes:
- 12 treatment rooms
- Two resuscitation rooms
- Radiology room
- CT Scan room
- Lab area
- Support areas