South State Street Reconstruction

IMEG provided civil design for the City of Geneseo’s South State Street Reconstruction Project. Civil services were provided for:
- Street reconstruction with an existing median and utilities. The project scope involved removing the existing street and replacing with a new Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement section that included curb and gutter, a new landscaped median, storm sewer, inlets, and street lighting.
- Evaluation of existing sanitary sewer and water main to determine the need for replacement. IMEG prepared plans for bid for Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) letting. This included pavement reconstruction, new storm sewer, inlets, sanitary sewer, and sewer laterals replacement, along with water main and new water services.
- Control, boundary, and topographic survey. Title research also was performed to establish existing property and easement lines, and easement plats and legal descriptions were prepared for land acquisition.
- Land acquisition negotiations for four commercial and 48 residential parcels. IMEG coordinated with IDOT and the City to insure Federal Highway Administration and Uniform Act Compliance.
- Construction inspection and documentation.
IMEG also provided project planning and funding application assistance for the secured Federal Aid Urban (FAU) route. This enabled the City to fund the road and storm sewer with 80% federal funds and 20% local funds.