Highway Improvements

IMEG provided the civil engineering for 4.25 miles of roadway reconstruction in Lincoln County, South Dakota. The construction of the road was important to the 40 landowners and businesses along the corridor, as well to as commuters who travel the main road to Lennox from Interstate 29.
Planning involved provisions for multiple detours, as the project called for more than just replacing the existing road. The roadway was widened, shoulders were added, and turn lanes were incorporated at major intersections to support the mobility of the 5,000 vehicles that travel the road each day. The project also involved construction of a 100-foot-long single-span bridge, a reinforced concrete box culvert, and 200,000 cubic yards of earthwork.
In addition to the civil engineering on the project, IMEG conducted public meetings to inform adjacent property owners of the project’s goals and schedule. Our team met with each of the landowners for the purpose of executing the right of way documents and coordinating driveway access points, discussed individual concerns with the landowners, and adjusted construction phasing and detour planning to adapt to their needs. We also assisted in project coordination with the South Dakota DOT for project funding and bidding.