Infrastructure Upgrade

Leading the project as the Prime Consultant, IMEG was contracted to support the Linac Coherent Light Source – II project (LCLS-II) at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. The LCLS-II project sought to expand the capabilities and capacities of the campus’ existing LCLS facility, which was originally developed with future expansion potential. LCLS-II will construct a 4 GeV continuous-wave superconducting linear accelerator in the first kilometer of the existing SLAC linear accelerator, and IMEG was hired for site planning as well as engineering design for the relocation/reconfiguration of utilities. The scope of work also encompassed structural engineering and architecture design, contract packaging and project delivery strategies, scheduling, cost estimating, and construction administration.
A complex, phased renovation plan was developed to support the project and ensure minimal disruption to the LCLS user facilities or their operation. Sectors 0 through 10 of the Klystron Gallery and Linear Accelerator, including the injector, were the primary areas of focus – each requiring various infrastructure upgrades per facility. These upgrades included:
- Power distribution and low conductivity cooling water to technical installation racks
- New HVAC unit, relocating and re-using an existing chiller, and new process cooling system for laser equipment in the Laser Laboratory
- New helium, fire, and radiation barriers
- Two new 36” borings created between the Klystron Gallery and LINAC Housing to accommodate new cryogenic distribution lines
- Modifications to Klystron Gallery structure and architecture to accommodate cryogenic distribution boxes
As a result of the ever-evolving field of scientific research, updates to accommodate evolutions within the LCLS scientific program had to be incorporated into the infrastructure design and construction of LCLS-II. Our engineers tackled this challenge by developing adaptable designs and being flexible as new information came in from SLAC. Value engineering and life-cycle cost analysis of all engineering systems were evaluated over the course of the project to help keep costs in check. Additionally, with multiple ongoing projects supporting the SLAC LCLS program, our team coordinated with other ongoing projects on site.