Irrigation Channel Modification

The project: IMEG provided civil engineering services to modify an existing irrigation channel in order to install a Constant Head Orifice for measurement and to divert local irrigation water.
Design approach: Design included hydraulic calculations, reinforced concrete and steel design, earthwork, demolition, and canal restoration.
Project tasks:
- Conducted hydrologic investigation to determine the proper structure size for the flow data, addressing the challenge of a flatter than typical channel gradient
- Conducted site-wide preliminary planning such as topographical survey and establishment of control
- Designed and produced plans and specifications for construction of the Constant Head Orifice (CHO), associated structures, canal backfill, restoration, and reshaping
- Designed a gabion basket retaining wall for slope stability along Hotska street
- Developed specifications for excavation, compacted embankment, reshaping, demolition, seeding, and restoration