The City of Aberdeen selected the team of IMEG and Wenck Associates to complete the study and preliminary design for channel and aesthetic improvements of Moccasin Creek in the Aberdeen area. The City planned to use the design for determination of future steps for funding and an ultimate phased implementation plan for construction.

The project included the reviewing existing data, studying existing and future conditions, designing channel and aesthetic improvements for Moccasin Creek, and preparation of a detailed phased cost estimate for improvements. In addition, the team determined channel siltation potentials under base flow conditions and high flow conditions and made recommendations for changes to upstream and downstream conditions to help in optimizing or reducing sediment transport or loads and regulatory requirements required for construction of channel improvements.

Construction of the first phase of the improvements project is slated to begin in 2017. The first goal of the project is to reconstruct the channel to encourage the development of a low flow channel. The second goal is to manage and remove existing cattail vegetation mats in the same area of Moccasin Creek to provide for future vegetation enhancements to be accomplished in subsequent phases.