New Commuter Rail Facility

IMEG provided design and construction services for the new Commuter Rail Maintenance Facility in Denver, CO. This 230,000-sf facility provides commuter rail vehicle maintenance for the Denver regional area. The facility incorporates a large multi-track multi-tier vehicle maintenance bay, support spaces, warehouse, training facilities, administrative offices, data center, and systems control operation center. Six 900-foot commuter rail tracks run through the vehicle maintenance space and include multi-tier servicing platforms.
The mechanical, plumbing, and industrial fluids designs (compressed air, gear oil, washer fluid), presented challenges. In addition to achieving the low energy use goal of the project, extensive coordination was required to design the delivery of utilities throughout the multi-tier facility. IMEG worked extensively with the design team to ensure utilities allowed for proper crane rail and train operations as well as ensure delivery of utilities below the trains, at train level, and at roof level.
The design/build delivery method used on this project accelerated the design and construction schedule, while keeping the project on budget. The team provided system evaluations and lifecycle costing to ensure the best systems were selected. IMEG continued to refine the design and specifications during design to ensure the owner’s project requirements were met and to remain within the design/build budget.