New Facility on Brownfield Site

IMEG provided structural and MEP engineering design services for a 38,000-sf state-of-the-art replacement material testing lab. The fast-track project included energy efficient systems design and sustainable materials meeting, or exceeding, Michigan Energy Code requirements.
The facility houses 15 specific labs for equipment and processes including gas chromatography, inductively coupled plasma, asbestos analysis, non-destructive examination, intermediate distribution frame, scanning electron microscope, electronics & TSI, vibration and fatigue, lubrication lab, water and materials, fuels, coal, organic and inorganic materials, and metallurgy analysis tests.
Lab support spaces include a warehouse with high bay truck access, overhead bridge crane, and recessed loading dock for safe removal of sample materials, hazardous waste room, coal prep room, chemical and gas cylinder storage rooms, and mechanical and electrical facility equipment areas.
Non-laboratory areas include a large open office area meeting DTE’s workplace standards, conference rooms, lunch room, maternity room, IT functions, and rest rooms with locker and shower areas.
Personnel safety design includes balancing, actively controlling, and monitoring lab ventilation rates, ensuring proper ventilation make-up air and fume hood / room exhaust flow for maintaining each lab at a negative pressure with respect to the adjacent corridor. The central exhaust system has three exhaust fans with one serving as a back up fan in the event of failure. Building safety controls also include flammable and toxic gas monitoring, and emergency shutdown for the ultra high purity lab gas distribution system.
Additional building controls include a new building management system for maintenance and troubleshooting with energy metering enhancements to monitor and trend HVAC power and receptacle power, water, and natural gas usage.
Sustainable design features include high-efficiency HVAC systems, LED lighting, daylight harvesting, and low-flow plumbing fixtures, Exterior electrical vehicle charging stations are available.