New High Rise Office Building

IMEG provided engineering design and services for the LEED Gold Granite Place, a 313,531-sf, 10-story core/shell high-rise office building. The project also included a 300,522-sf, six-story parking structure.
In addition to providing mechanical, electrical, and plumbing design, IMEG also provided energy modeling and commission services for the project.
The mechanical system features custom air handlers – one on the first floor and two on the roof to serve floors 2-10. A mechanical penthouse contains the chilled water and heating water plant. Two water-cooled chillers – with condenser water provided by two rooftop cooling towers – serve the rooftop AHUs. Two high-efficiency condensing boilers provide heating water to the AHUs and hot water reheat for terminal units throughout the building.
IMEG also provided the smoke control design for the building, with multiple fans used to pressurize hoist ways and stairwells. The power design for the building included the installation of a generator to serve all life safety systems.
LED lighting is used throughout the building and the site.