New Indoor Practice Facility

IMEG provided mechanical and electrical design services for the new 87,400-sf indoor practice facility at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. The facility provides a state-of-the-art building for use by the University of Wyoming football and soccer teams.
Mechanical systems include the use of ten separate outside air units to provide code-required ventilation to the roughly 4.4 million cubic feet of space. Ventilation is provided via a passive solar wall to preheat the air in the winter and clerestory relief dampers that allow fresh air movement and “natural” ventilation to the space in the summer without the cost of mechanical cooling. All components are integrated into the UW central temperature control automation system to further optimize energy consumption and control costs.
Electrically, the facility utilizes a high efficiency, side-distribution sports lighting system that is estimated to save the University $450,000 in operations and energy costs over a 25-year life cycle when compared to a more traditional lighting system. Additionally, the building’s architectural features allow natural, diffused lighting into the field, which, controlled by light meters, also minimizes operating costs and unnecessary electric usage.