New Lab and Office Building

3151 Market Street is a $250 million, 494,000-sf Class A multi-tenant commercial building in West Philadelphia that will offer office and laboratory space along with common and retail spaces.
IMEG provided plumbing and fire protection engineering design services, including lab-ready systems, for full core facilities on tenant floors and shell space to be leased. System designs were also provided for a public lobby, loading dock, ground-floor retail, and limited below-grade parking.
Plumbing system designs included a reclaim and detention system with 40,000-gallon subgrade and 7,500-gallon above-grade tanks to capture stormwater and AHU condensate to reuse for the building’s core toilet flushing and cooling tower makeup. IMEG also designed a central lab waste pH neutralizing system for future tenant use. Fire protection services included a fire pump, standpipe systems, and wet and dry sprinkler system.
The building project is part of a $3.5 billion, 14-acre master- planned development and is seeking LEED Platinum certification.