New LEED Silver Office Building

IMEG provided structural design services for the 12-story, 180,000-sf office building located at 777 6th Street in Washington, D.C. The building includes 15,000-sf of ground floor retail and sits above four levels, 75,000-sf of below-grade parking.
The building features glass on all sides with a distinctive corner tower. Amenities include an atrium, 15,000-sf of ground floor retail, fitness center and covered rooftop terrace. The structural framing is a cast-in-place concrete flat slab system and the facade is a combination of precast concrete panels and metal and glass spandrels.
Some of the structural challenges associated with this building can be attributed to preserving a three-story historical townhouse located next to the building. A temporary facade support was installed during the excavation phase and IMEG collaborated with all project team members to determine the most appropriate and effective design to accommodate the neighboring structure. 777 6th Street is LEED Silver certified.