New Macdonald West Building

IMEG’s Portland structural team (formerly Nishkian Dean) provided engineering design and services for the Macdonald West Apartments, a seven-story, 30,752ft building with ground–floor office space for the Maybelle Center for Community and 42 low-income studios on the floors above. This center in Portland’s Old Town/Chinatown area offers support, food, and community services to those in need. Demolition of the previous building, the 106–year-old West hotel, had to be completed delicately because it was situated between two other buildings and was within public transit lines. The new building’s style honors the history of the area while also including environmentally friendly features such as low-flow water fixtures and an eco-roof with solar panels. This project received the 2013 Masonry and Ceramic Tile Institute of Oregon Hammurabi Merit Award for Design and Use of Masonry.