New Multi-Use Path

The project: IMEG provided surveying, design, project management, and construction administration services to the City of Nashua, NH on their project to construct the new federally funded 1.8-mile Broad Street Parkway.
The goal: The City undertook this ambitious project in an effort to mitigate downtown traffic congestion and encourage economic development.
Federal and local funding: In 2008, after decades of planning, the City faced a project with an estimated cost well in excess of the $44 million federal funding available. The City addressed this budget gap with the approval of proposed bonding of up to $37.6 million and started implementation of the project. IMEG was responsible for the extensive record keeping effort required on all federally funded construction contracts. We consistently received high marks during Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) file audits.
Project amenities: The 1.8-mile-long project included reconstruction of urban streets in a densely populated
residential neighborhood with associated accessibility and safety improvements, two new railroad overpass bridges, two 40-foot-high curved retaining walls, and a new 300-foot-long three-span bridge over the Nashua River.
Scope of work: IMEG provided comprehensive project management support to the City of Nashua. We completed all needed survey tasks and designed significant portions of the project including the reconstruction of urban roadways. Where project components were designed by others, we managed the work on behalf of the City. Our responsibilities also included support during permitting, management of a significant property acquisition effort, and construction administration of complicated concurrent contracts. All of the work was completed in strict accordance with New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) Local Public Agency (LPA) and FHWA requirements. We routinely coordinated with various stakeholders, including City Boards, NHDOT, FHWA, project consultants, contractors, permitting authorities, and the public. Additionally, we managed the work of specialists who provided support in addressing property appraisals, as well as the challenges related to mediation of impacts related to extensive contaminated soil, significant wetland impacts, historic buildings, environmental justice neighborhoods, and relocation of businesses. IMEG also facilitated extensive utility coordination and relocation for both underground and aerial facilities.
Challenge: The City wanted to reap project benefits as soon as possible and take advantage of the current favorable bidding climate. Solution: Working closely with City officials, IMEG established a project delivery strategy which depended on implementing an aggressive schedule. In order to minimize disruption to residents of the adjacent neighborhoods, as well as to local businesses, the construction phase of this schedule was further compressed with use of overlapping contracts. At the end of 2015, the project successfully opened to traffic on schedule.
Years which services were provided: IMEG began serving as the City’s Project Manager in 2009. While the Parkway opened to traffic in 2015, significant work remained to complete all impact mitigation requirements. The mitigation to cultural resources was successfully completed in 2024. One contract to demolish a building on surplus property remains before the project is fully complete.
Project outcome: By providing a more direct connection to the downtown, the project allows for economic redevelopment of Nashua’s Millyard Technology Park and 29-acre former Mohawk Tannery facility that has been disconnected from the City’s major routes for years. The Millyard was located at the end of a local street and difficult to find, but now, with a major arterial passing through it, this historic area is being introduced to a new generation of residents. With new open views of the city and the river from two new outlooks with period lighting, the Broad Street Parkway also provides a bicycle and pedestrian friendly route to downtown and Mine Falls Park.