New Off-site Central Sterilization Services Facility

IMEG provided engineering design and served as prime consultant for the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics’ (UIHC) new off-site central sterilization services (CSS) facility.
The firm’s services began with a design team (engineer, architect, CSS consultant, logistics consultant) comprehensive study of the existing CSS site conditions, workflow, tray volumes, and annual procedures. Using this information, the design team developed two options for the Owner to consider: a) Evaluation of an on-site renovation solution, and b) Evaluation of an off-site solution. Based on the study results and options presented, UIHC pursued a new greenfield, off-site facility.
In addition to avoiding issues associated with renovation, the centralized off-site facility provided flexibility to serve the main campus and several satellite campuses.
The collaborative approach by UIHC staff, design team and IMEG led to a future-proofed, state-of-the-art facility with MEPT infrastructure sized for additional equipment and expansion. Owner and user preferences were fundamental to the design of all system and infrastructure throughout the design process. The new space included special attention to finishes and healthcare lighting, resulting in a work atmosphere promoting a positive and productive environment that will contribute to employee retention and reduced attrition.
Read the full case study, the whitepaper, “Central Sterile Modernization: A Guide to On- vs. Off-Site Facilities,” and the accompanying article, “Typical CSS Department Configurations.”