New Olathe West High School

IMEG provided commissioning services for the Olathe School District’s design/bid/build new high school project. This three-floor, 370,000-square-foot, $80 million high school was constructed with a non-performing construction manager responsible for administering all district contracts, including the three pre-purchased equipment contracts for variable refrigerant flow, dedicated outdoor air, and rooftop equipment.
The new high school features administrative offices, flexible classroom space, green technology classroom, performing arts/black box theatre, multiple gymnasiums, atrium, cafeteria, library, and greenhouse. A new football stadium, tennis courts, and track and soccer fields are also on the site.
The design included highly-integrated technology and adaptive/flexible furniture to allow staff to better utilize teaching spaces to meet individual student needs.
IMEG provided the district with custom commissioning services including site observations paired with commissioning meetings, submittal reviews, functional testing, integration coordination, issues log management, training provided by the commissioning agent, and a final report with recommendations for future building energy and control optimizations. Through IMEG’s commissioning process, more than 350 deficiencies were identified and resolved.