New Pet Food Processing Plant

Pet food manufacturing facility rated at 48-ton per hour of production with expansion capabilities of over 100-tons per hour. Facility included truck and rail unloading, 11 storage silos, 56 bulk storage, minor storage bins, mixing & milling, 4 – 400 HP extruders, dryers and coolers, product storage bins, liquid and dry continual coating systems, 4 packaging lines and 150,000-SF of warehousing. Mechanical system included: Domestic hot and cold water, sanitary waste and vent, process piping – white grease & dog digest, compressed air, High Pressure Steam, CIP and COP systems.
Challenges included:
- Coordination of utilities to all equipment.
- All piping and hangers in production areas were designed to AIB guidelines – Cleanable.
- Assist the owner and contractor is equipment selection – Boilers, PRV Stations and steam accessories, RO system, PD pumps, piping materials make-up air equipment and lab ventilation equipment.