New Replacement Door Assembly

On October 24, 2005 Hurricane Wilma blew through the LC-41 pad and precipitated the catastrophic failure of a major portion of the 40-ft wide by 280-ft tall folding fabric door (Megadoor) on the vertical integration facility (VIF), which houses the launch vehicle that was inside. IMEG was on-site the following day to assist with the damage assessment and develop concepts to provide an operable door enclosure that would not endanger the January launch of the Pluto New Horizons mission. The schedule was critical with a small launch window, any delays would result 3 year postponement. Working around the clock, in collaboration with LMA and contractors Ivey’s Construction and Sauer, a replacement door assembly was designed, fabricated, installed, tested and operating within six weeks time. A permanent door system was constructed. The new system is now operable with the push of a button.