New Spinal Cord Injury Building and Community Living Center

IMEG provided MEP, fire protection, and civil engineering services for a new 50-bed spinal cord injury facility and 43-bed community living center. The facility provides state-of-the-art healthcare services to veterans suffering spinal cord injury including diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. A new chiller plant and site utilities, such as chilled and hot water, medical gases, and electrical distribution were provided.
The space was designed to encourage patients to access the roof gardens and courtyards to promote healing. The holistic design approach focuses on the patient’s mind, body, and spirit. This is achieved by the incorporation of Planetree and other patient-focused design concepts that facilitate patient comfort and recovery.
The IMEG civil engineering team completed site improvement designs for the Phases 1, 2, and 3 parking structures totaling over 1,600 stalls. Additional civil engineering services included preparation of site topographic surveys, preliminary and final drainage and grading designs, provisions for demolition of existing utility lines, and construction of new utility services to the parking structures for fire prevention water and wet utilities to the new hospital.
As of 2019, two new parking garages have been built, with one more designed but not yet built. The Spinal Cord Community Center building has been designed, but construction won’t be completed until 2022.